If you are joining us on one of our cruises, you will be fortunate enough to be taking in the sights, sounds and smells that is Jervis Bay Marine Park.
Jervis Bay Marine Park was established in 1998 and covers approximately 215 km2 and spans over 100 km of coastline.Our famously clear waters are a result of several factors, largely due to the joining of warm water from the East Australian Current and cooler water from the Bass Strait.
Jervis bay also experiences up-welling of cold, nutrient-rich waters from the nearby Continental Shelf, these combined currents flow clockwise around the bay.These combined currents flush out Jervis Bay around every 24 days – give or take a few.
Jervis Bay Marine Park supports a diverse range of organisms from unique species of algae, over 210 reef fish species, not to mention Dolphins of course!To immerse yourself in the amazing scenery of Jervis Bay, why not book yourself and your family onto one of our scenic cruises?
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