Have you heard the tale of ‘Old Tom’ or the ‘Law of the Tounge’?
It is a fascinating story about Ocras in Twofold Bay (the third deepest natural harbour in the Southern Hemisphere) and their relationship with Humans and hunting baleen whales together!You may have read our earlier blog post about human interactions with whales in Australia and the following link tells the great story of ‘Old Tom’ just down the road in Eden.There are many take home messages from the story but the most important one for me is to always look after your friends.If you are captivated like us about the story of Old Tom and impressed by the level of emotional intelligence displayed by Orcas – particularly in the wild you can always get a chance to come out on board our Whale Watching cruises where on the odd occasion we have seen pods following humpbacks and their calves that travel south past Jervis Bay from August – November each year.
You never know your luck!So we don’t have to issue a spoiler alert- you can read the story on Qrius
Or on your next south coast road trip stop in at the Eden Killer Whale Museum.
You can also try your luck seeing Orcas on one of our Whale Watching cruises. Use the button below to secure your tickets.